research projects

research projects

i do research in several areas, including engineering design education, user experience research, and data visualization literacy. almost all of my work stems from or feeds into the classroom — ideally, both!
scroll for a look at my published work and upcoming developments. updated 6.29.24

engineering design education

with fellow professors teaching in RHIT’s Engineering Design program, i'm writing about interdisciplinary pedagogical collaborations, teaching empathy through content knowledge, and more.


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data literacy and visualization

teaching data literacy is becoming more and more crucial in tpc service courses, and visualization is one of the most critical aspects of that literacy. i think that as technical communicators, we ought to take a design approach.


» “narrative and numerical: bridging the gap between quantitative and qualitative data through user-centered data system design,” in the proceedings of ACM SIGDOC 2021 | access on the ACM digital library | download page proof version
» “missing/unspecified”: demographic data visualization during the COVID-19 pandemic,” published in journal of business and technical communication 35(1), pp 80-87, 2021 | view at sage journals
» “rhetorics of data in nonprofit settings: how community engagement pedagogies can enact social justice,” co-authored with dr. jennifer bay. published in computers and composition 2021 | view at sciencedirect

UX work in amateur game design

this ongoing project with collaborator dr. alisha karabinus investigates design practices in amateur game design communities. our goal is to understand alternatives to the often marginalizing environment of the traditional game design industry, so we can be more effective teachers to future game designers.


» “communally designed deception: participatory technical communication practices in an amateur game design community,” co-authored with dr. alisha karabinus. published in technical communication 66(3), pp 257-271, 2019 | view at stc
» “professional practice, amateur profile: mapping amateur game design communities,” co-authored with dr. alisha karabinus. published in the proceedings of ACM SIGDOC 2019 | view in the ACM digital library
» “games, UX, and the gaps: technical communication practices in an amateur game design community,” co-authored with dr. alisha karabinus. published in the proceedings of ACM SIGDOC 2018 | view in the ACM digital library