The Veterans Memorial Museum of Terre Haute is my small way of honoring OUR Veterans from all branches of military service for all wars and in peacetime. It is because of their service and sacrifice that we enjoy our daily freedoms, and we should never forget it!
I started collecting military items after I got back from my first trip to Normandy in 2004, but my interest in military history began when I was at Meadows Elementary School, doing book reports on Pearl Harbor and making airplane models of B-17’s and every over WWII airplane I could get my parents or brother to buy me. I was never in the military, but through the years, I’ve come to appreciate and respect the sacrifices of OUR Veterans and am hoping that this museum will spark an interest and/or appreciation in those that pass through it, especially the kids.
This museum has been a labor of love. We started remodeling the building in November of 2010 and has taken my son, Jason, and I countless hours to put together, all the while being personally funded. The only thing I ask in return is that you THANK A VETERAN for their service anytime you get the opportunity.